Science Today
Isolated systolic hypertension spot lights
Isolated systolic hypertension spot lights
Prof. Dr. Ahmed A.rozza Md, Facc,Fesc, Fasc
Prof. Of Cariovascular Medicine
Alazhar Medical School
Hypertension is a major cardiovascular risk factor...
Hypertension In The Elderly
Hypertension In The Elderly
Prof. Dr. Hussien H.rizk, MD
Prof. of Cardiology School of Medicine Cairo University
Hypertension is common in old age (>65), prevalence reaches 60-80% .
Haemodynamic clasification of VSD and lntra cardiac shunt
Haemodynamic clasification of VSD and lntra cardiac shunt
Prof. Dr. Mohamed A.nasr MB;BCh;PhD;MD;FACS;FICS
Maitre es Sciences Medicales ( France)
Membre du College Francals de Chirurgle...
lifestyle And Hypertension
DR. Mohamed El Ghoubary associate proffessor of internal medicine cairo university MD. MRCPlifestyle And HypertensionThe effect of dietary patterns on blood pressure control in hypertensive patients...
Hypertension in a nutshell
Prof. Dr. Mohmed Awad
Prof. of Cardiology Ain Shams university
Hypertension in a nutshell
Hypertension is a very common and serious health problem worldwide.
It is also one of the major risk...
Complications of arterial hypertension
Prof. Dr. Ahmed A .Rozza Md , Dacc ,Fesc , Fasc
Prof. of Cardiovascular Medicine
Alazhar Medical School
Complications of arterial hypertension
Arterial hypertension (HTN) is called the silent...
Hypertension Aad Diabetes: The Bad Companionship
Hypertension Aad Diabetes: The Bad Companionship
Prof. Dr. Tarek El Baz, MD Prof. of Internal of Medicine...
What Is Behind The Number In Cardiovascular Deseases
Prof. Dr. Soliman Ghareeb MD.
Professor Of Cardiovascular Medicine Cairo University
What Is Behind The Number
In Cardiovascular Deseases
The numerical values are used in the evaluation, diagnosis...