Utopia Today

Utopia sponsering of 5th EUS cour

Utopia pharmaceuticals sponsered the 5th EUS conference under the...

Family day event

Family day eventUtopia " The life you deserve "

Job opportunity in Sharkeya

Job opportunityMedical representatives for Sharkia If you are...

Participation of students in the

The Egyptian Heart Association, under the auspices of Utopia,...

14th Kasr Al Ainy Endoscopy, Hepa

14th Kasr Al Ainy Endoscopy, Hepatology and Gastroenterology course...

46th Cardio Egypt 2019

46th Cardio EgyptUtopia was one of the main sponsors in the...
Non infective liver disorders

Non infective liver disorders

Non infective liver disorders Symposium of GIT department in Ain...
 working group of dyslipidemia and atherosclerosis (WGDA)

working group of dyslipidemia an

working group of dyslipidemia and atherosclerosis (WGDA)Utopia was...
70th EOA conference

70th EOA conference

70th EOA conferenceUtopia has participated for 1st time in 70th EOA...
Chest Tanta hospital ( Influenza Day )

Chest Tanta hospital ( Influenza

INFLUENZA DAY As a part of Utopia’s willingness to build...
18th Annual Meeting of the Otology onThe Nile

18th Annual Meeting of the Otolog

18th Annual Meeting of the Otology on The Nile As a part of Utopia...


 WINTER SCHOOL ASWAN CONFERENCE Utopia has participated in...
