Intensive Activity by the Chairman of Tanzanian Medical and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA) in Attracting Egyptian Investments in the Pharmaceutical industries in Tanzania

Intensive Activity by the Chairman of Tanzanian Medical and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA) in Attracting Egyptian Investments in the Pharmaceutical industries in Tanzania 


During the Scientific Conference for the Regulation of Medical Products in Africa (SCOMRA VI),.

Dr. Tamer Essam, the Chairman of the Egyptian Drug Authority, met with Dr. Adam Mitangu Fimbo, the Director General of the Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA)


The meeting discussed the potential for enhancing and developing cooperation between the two countries in the pharmaceutical industry.


During the conference, Dr. Adam and Dr. Daudi Masasi , the Head of the Pharmacy Department at the Tanzanian Ministry of Health met with 10 of the largest Egyptian pharmaceutical companies interested in investing in the medical sector in Tanzania. These companies aim to establish a group of factories in Tanzania to produce various pharmaceutical forms, with an investment cost of $100 million. 


The Chairman of the Tanzanian Drug Authority has promised to provide facilitation for Egyptian pharmaceutical companies to register their products and establish their factories in Tanzania.


The objective is to transfer pharmaceutical manufacturing technology and provide training for Tanzanian pharmacists, chemists, and engineers through training programs in Egyptian factories. 

Additionally, experts from Egypt will be sent to operate these factories and ensure the application of the latest international standards in order to meet Tanzania's and other African countries' pharmaceutical needs.


This step is part of the Egyptian Drug Authority's commitment to enhancing cooperation with counterpart authorities in African countries in the pharmaceutical industry and participating in international and regional forums.