Science Today
Aquatic Therapy Clinical Rehabilitation Concept in Rheumatic diseases
Aquatic Therapy Clinical Rehabilitation Concept in Rheumatic diseasesDr. Fahmy Imam Fahmy MDProfessor of rheumatology and rehabilitation Azhar UniversityA quatic therapy is the physical therapy that...
Gouty Arthritis Diagnosis and Management
Gouty Arthritis Diagnosis and ManagementDr. Abdulmaguid El-AshmawyProfessor. of Rheumatology . Al Azhar UniversityDefinition:Is a heterogeneous group of diseases found exclusively in man, manifested...
FIBROMYALGIA Daily aches and Pains
FIBROMYALGIA Daily aches and PainsDr. Samir ElbadawyProfessor of Rheumatology & Immunology Cairo UniversityIt was in 1842 that Balfour ( England) reported the association between tender points...
New in Breast Cancer
New in Breast CancerDr. Omar Sherif OmarProfessor of MD (PhD), DU, FEBS, FACSA. professor & Consultant of Oncoplastic Breast Surgery – Cairo UniversityFaculty & Examiner – European Board of...
Epidemiology and Diagnosis of Oesophageal Adenocarcinoma
Epidemiology and Diagnosis of Oesophageal AdenocarcinomaDr. Reda Elwakil, MDEmeritus Professor of Tropical MedicineAin Shams UniversityPresident Elect of the African Middle East Association for...
Early colon cancer: is it now considered a curable disease?
Early colon cancer: is it now considered a curable disease?Dr.Tamer El Nahas, MDProfessor of Clinical Oncology, Cairo University ESMO & ASCO MemberIntroductionColorectal cancer (CRC) is the...
OCCUPATIONAL ASTHMADr٫ Mohamed M.ElbatanounyProf.of.Hospital MedicineCairo UniversityDefinition of asthma :Is a pulmonary disorder characterized by widespread partial obstructionof airways that is...
ROLE of LONG – ACTING ß-AGONISTS IN COPDDr. Abdel Hakeim Mohamed Professor of Chest Cairo UniversityChronic obstructive pulmonary disease is defined as chronic airflow obstruction which is due to a...